Madame Curie warned learners not to go too fast. 居里夫人告诫初学者不要图快。
Madame Curie was the only famous woman scientist in the world. 居里夫人是世界上唯一有名的女科学家。
Curie: French pianist, writer, and editor BEST known for Madame Curie ( 1937), a biography of her mother, Marie Curie. 居里:法国钢琴家、作家和编辑,以一本描述她的母亲玛丽·居里的传记小说《居里夫人》(1937年)而闻名。
The person whom I have always admired for her courage is Madame Curie. 我一向佩服她胆量的那个人是居里夫人。
Madame Curie never gave up on her work. 居里夫人从来没有放弃过她的工作。
Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer of the element radium. 居里夫人这位镭元素的发现者,将永远为人们所怀念。
Suddenly, I felt that I was a mere intruder; I became even shyer than Madame curie. 我突然觉得我只不过是一个不速之客;我感到比居里夫人更羞怯。
You can point out that Florence Nightingale opened up nursing and that Madame Curie opened up sciences to women. 你可以指出,弗洛伦斯?南丁格尔开创了护理工作,居里夫人为妇女从事科学开辟了道路。
You said was more than sing nicely, you said in the diary you most admire Madame Curie, who is she in the end? 你说的比唱的还要好听,你在日记中说你最欣赏居里夫人,她到底是谁?
Madame Curie has never thought of making money out of her research. 居里夫人从来没有想过通过她的研究成果来挣钱。
Madame Curie will always be remembered for the discovery of radium. 居里夫人因为发现了镭,而将永远被人所铭记。
At this time Madame Curie's husband Pierre Curie joined with her in search of the unknown radiation. 这时,居里夫人的丈夫皮埃尔居里也和她一起寻找这未知的放射性物质。
Madame Curie named it polonium in honour of her native country. 居里夫人将它命名为钋,以纪念她的祖国。
We have forgotten what Madame Curie has warned us: the way of progress is neither swift nor easy. 我们忘记了居里夫人说过的话:不能图快是成功的秘诀;
Madame Curie discovered the element radium. 居里夫人发现了镭元素。
And now everyone on London wished to meet Professor and Madame Curie and entertain them at parties and dinners. 此刻伦敦的每个人都希望能一睹居里教授和居里夫人的风采并邀请他们参加联欢会及宴会。
It was Madame Curie and her husband who discovered radium. 是居里夫人和她的丈夫发现了镭。
Madame Curie will long be remembered as the discoverer of radium. 人们将永远记住居里夫人是镭的发现者。
Which period do you think was the best for Madame curie? Why? 对居里夫人来说,一生中的哪个时期是最美好的?理由何在?
There was a time when life was very hard for Madame Curie. 曾经有过一个时期,居里夫人的生活非常艰难。
We cannot help admiring Madame Curie for her great achievements in scientific research. 我们对居里夫人在科学研究方面所取得的巨大成就十分钦佩。
Madame Curie shared all her knowledge with the whole scientific world. 居里夫人献出自己的全部知识,与整个科学界共享。
Madame Curie is well known as the discoverer of radium. 居里夫人作为镭的发现者而著名。
Madame Curie had undertaken far too heavy a task, she wasted away. 居里夫人担负的任务过于繁重,她消瘦了。
Madame Curie devoted all her time to the study of radium. 居里夫人一生致力于镭的研究。
Madame Curie wins the Nobel Prize twice in her life. 居里夫人一生中有两次获得诺贝尔奖。
Madame Curie expressed her thoughts in words much like this. 居里夫人曾用这样的语言来抒发她的思想。
Madame Curie was one of the GREatest scientists in the world. 居里夫人是一个最伟大的科学家在世界上。
Madame Curie took the doctor's degree in physics in 1903. 居里夫人于1903年取的物理学博士学位。
Madame Curie is well known for her discovery of radium. 居里夫人因为发现镭而著名。